Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

Liburan, Youtube-ing aka Demam Raditya Dika ♥

Galau adalah kata terpopuler buat anak-anak remaja masa kini yang penyebab utamanya adalah jomblo. Yes, galau adalah kepanjangan dari "Ga lauku" hshshshs okeh jangan didengarkan, itu hanyalah halusinasi gue belaka. Kalo kata bionya radio galau FM sih ngga galau ngga gaul, tapi kalo kata gue mah ngga galau itu bikin hidup ngga berwarna yaga. Coba bayangin orang yang hidupnya bahagia terus atau yang hidupnya seneng terus kan ngga ada tuh, nah galau itu menurut gue merupakan ambang batas antara bahagia dan sedih (Tenang, bukan ambang batas hidup dan mati kok). Rasanya seru aja ser-seran gimana gitu. Sebenernya dari hurufnya aja galau itu udah nyusahin loh, contohnya kaya sekarang ini, gue lagi sibuk ngeblog tentang galau, terus kalo gue mau nulis status di bbm/twitter/fb "busy writing a galau story" jelek banget kan? Ya iya wong eh bukan Baim Wong loh ya, kan ngga ada yang tau bahasa inggrisnya galau apa coba hayo? Yang mencetuskan pertama kali juga siapa hayo? Dimana kapan dan oleh siapa kan ngga ada yang tau, misterius gitu... Albert Einstein dan Thomas Alfa Edison belom mengenal kata galau di masa hidupnya...

Oke ngga usah bertele-tele, kenapa gue membahas tentang jomblo atau galau, ngga lain dan ngga bukan adalah karena sekarang ini lagi "Liburan kuliah" "Terus kenapa?" Plis deh liburan woyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! Bayangkan liburan gue ini hampa terasa.... Apalagi dengan jadwal libur kuliah gue dan temen-temen deket gue beda, disaat mereka libur gue udah mau masuk, dan pastinya j spasi omblo yak combro..... Eh jomblo maksudnya. Huft. Triple Huft. Kemanakah aku harus mengadu? Uouoo (Timpukin)!

Tapi untungnya, selama liburan ini, gue masih jalan-jalan bareng temen-temen, bisa nonton konser Katy Perry, sempet pergi ke Bandung bareng keluarga dan mencicipi Trans Studio Bandung yang ternyata lumayan seru (Wajib coba coasternya!). Gue menghabiskan waktu di rumah bersama dengan kemageran gue. Gue merasa akan busuk sebentar lagi. Tapi tiba-tiba tanggal 1 Februari pun datang, which is mean internet modem gue kembali cepat! Langsung lah gue browsing sana-sini dan jadi betah di rumah, gue menemukan banyak video lagu-lagu dan cover yang bagus-bagus. (Omg Februari adalah bulan yang kata orang-orang adalah bulan cinta dan gue tetap dengan galau aka jomblo #auamat).

Tapi diantara semua video-video itu, yang paling bikin gue jatuh cinta adalah waktu gue iseng nge-search di youtube nama "Raditya Dika" dan keluarlah videonya lagi Stand Up Comedy, well itu pertama kalinya gue tau kalo ternyata Raditya Dika juga udah mulai Stand Up Comedy sekarang. Telat banget deh gue baru taunya. Tapi pertama kali nonton di kamar, videonya berhasil bikin gue ketawa ngakak serasa ada efek bunga-bunga di taman ditambah dengan animasi-animasi lucu lainnya hahaha tapi bener loh yang lagi sedih coba ayo di cek videonya dijamin langsung sumringah plus senyum pepsodent. Apalagi temanya galau dan jomblo, kan gue berasa ada temen senasib seperjuangan, ternyata ada yang lebih sedih juga dari gue (Ampun bang), terus dia bilang "Gue ini emang fakir cinta, tapi gue bukan pengemis cinta" Gilalundro......

And I loves this short video too

Masih banyak video gokil lainnya, ayo dicekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

Dan ini dia video Simple Plan ft Kotak - Jet Lag yang dikasih tau abang gue and I'm fallin love with this song!

Gue nemuin cover ini pas nyari "The One That Got Away Accoustic" And they did it amazing!

(Paulina - Do It Like A Dude Cover)

Ada juga band Indonesia yang dikasih tau temen gue, namanya 7th Sway - Crave You cover and they did it well :)

Nah jangan lupa liat video COMMUSIC waktu latian dan penampilan dulu juga diliat yaaaa (Commusic Practice - Telephone Cover)

Ini waktu kita perform, sayang suara soundnya kurang mendukung :')

Ada juga Moves Like Jagger and Forget You Cover

Lady Gaga Medley, Moves Like Jagger, and Salam Bagi Sahabat Cover

Firda, Tiara, Jamal, Wibo (Raisa - Serba Salah dan Ran - Pandangan Pertama Cover)

Firda&Lightway @Flavour Bliss Serpong - You (My Happiness)

Firda&Lightway - L-O-V-E Cover

Nah itu dia video-video "You must watch" in this holiday ya hehehe. Masih banyak video-video lainnya yang bisa bikin liburan di rumah ngga garing. Misalnya aja kaya gue tadi yang iseng cari video-video kartun kesukaan gue pas kecil kaya Ghost at School dan Hunter X Hunter, and it works! How much I miss that!


In the end, tetap kepada topik awal kalau "The most video I loves in youtube in this holiday" adalah video Stand Up Comedy nya bang Raditya Dika. Pokoknya sukses bikin gue jatuh cinta dan berubah haluan tipe cowok jadi wajib humoris! Hahaha. Walaupun gue ketinggalan, tapi pasti bakal jadi hunting beli Manusia Setengah Salmon. Aaaaah kapan-kapan harus ketemu sama bang Raditya Dika nih, curhat bareng pasti seru! LOL! :p

Katy Perry Concert

Konser Katy Perry diadain tanggal 19 Januari kemaren di Sentul, itu adalah salah satu konser yang sangat gue idam-idamkan layaknya ibu-ibu hamil. Tadinya, gue udah hopeless karena tiketnya emang lumayan mahal, jadi sayang kalau mau make tabungan ataupun minta ke bokap nyokap, bayangin uangnya bisa buat beli Ciki Happy Tos sampe gue lulus kuliah hshshshs. Ikut kuis tiketnya pun gue ngga hoki. Perasaan gue, kalo ikut kuis yang berhubungan dengan konser contohnya Justin Bieber dan Katy Perry ngga pernah menang-menang, emang ngga rejeki kali yah, mungkin kalo gue ikut kuis konser Ayu Ting-Ting atau Cherrybelle bisa langsung menang buat se RT (Pasang muka datar).

Tiba-tiba, sehari sebelum konser, ngga ada angin, ngga ada hujan, ada adek kelas gue yang menawarkan tiket konser Katy Perry Green dari harga 1,7 juta jadi 700 ribu (Terdiam), curiga gue bakal diculik akhirnya gue tawar lagi jadi 500 ribu dan akhirnya I got it!!! (Emang ngga ada hubungannya sih, itu mah alesan doang intinya minta diskon hahaha). Tapi, dengan syarat gue harus jadi partnernya dia pas disana, karena dia dapet tiket itu dari kuis Buavita yang diikutin. Btw, Hai Rurue thanks buat diskonnya yah, lain kali gratis aja udah haha dan congrats karena selain dapet tiket Katy Perry dia juga beruntung banget menangin hadiah Meet&Greet Katy Perry (Envy se envy envynya ga sih?). Huhuhu.

Pas hari H nya, ternyata ngga rugi juga loh, karena selain akomodasi ditanggung pihak Buavita, kita juga dapet makan, masuknya ngga usah ngantri, bisa face painting gratis, karaoke lagu Katy Perry, dan makan es krim sepuasnya hohohohoho kalo kata D'masiv pokoknya sukuri apa yang ada deh. Gue juga disuruh ikut kuis teriak Katy Perry I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU paling kenceng dan lama, hadiahnya? Dapet kaos Buavita lagi coy, yang mau ke rumah gue aja ya gue kasih gratis.


Disana juga ada penampilan dari Raisa dan RAN tapi bukan di panggung utamanya. Gue cuma sempet nonton Raisa, first time, and I like her! She has a great voice. Hope someday I can be like that. In that stage :)

Oh iya, bukan cuma itu aja, banyak artis-artis disana, betebaran udah kaya kacang mede, tinggal pilih deh pokoknya. Kevin Julio ga kuku deh gantengnya, bikin pingin gulang-guling dari Sentul ke Jakarta balik lagi ke Sentul, tipe idaman banget

Yang paling fenomenal dan bikin gue bingung adalah ketika Morgan lewat dan cewek-cewek udah pada kaya kesetanan, sementara Morgannya cuma senyum mesem-mesen sambil jalan cepet, ambil langkah sepanjang sungai Nil. Cewek-cewek pun berteriak lagi "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Morgan!!! Morgan!!! Itu Morgan!!! Ayo Kejar!!!" (Ini kalo ditambah efek slow motion dijamin garansi 2 tahun lucu banget sumpah). Mereka layaknya serigala yang siap memangsa korbannya di depan mata gue saudara-saudara, lalu apakah gue bukan termasuk wanita karena ngga ikut mengejar Morgan? Jelas ngga dong. Kan gue sukanya sama Bisma hahaha bercandaaaaaa! Gue gasuka Smash Woyyyyyyyyy gue masih suka cowok (?)

Dan ada satu lagi yang ngga kalah anehnya, selain artis-artis yang tampilannya unik-unik kaya Tyas Mirasih, Mulan Jameela, Ameng, Putri Titian, Jupe, dan lain-lain. Banyak juga loh yang bukan artis tampil "beda" disana. Ada yang bagus. Ada yang keren. Ada yang lucu. Ada yang cukup aneh. Dan ada yang amat sangat zong.......... Mau ke pantai apa nonton konser mba -.-" Baiklah. Lupakan tentang hal itu, anggap saja angin lalu dan maafkan saya karena khilaf hehehe.

Sekitar jam 9 konsernya pun dimulai. Emang ngaret sih. Pertama dibuka sama DJ penonton langsung meriah, baru deh sekitar setengah jam kemudian Katy Perry Muncul dan disambut dengan teriakan-teriakan dari penonton yang udah ngga sabar buat nonton pertunjukkannya. Gue lupa lagu pembukanya apa, tapi menurut gue konsernya tersusun dengan konsep yang bagus banget dan bikin orang tertarik karena "beda" dengan konser lainnya (Yaiyalah modalnya juga beda kali Pir). Selain itu sebelum lagu dimulai, di layar-layar dipasang cerita-cerita pendek Katy Perry. Panggungnya didesain cantik dan feminin, didominasi warna pink dengan tema candy. Setiap pergantian 2 lagu Katy Perry ganti baju dengan baju-baju yang unik dan lucu-lucu. Bikin penonton jadi makin ngga bosen buat ngeliatnya, terutama waktu lagu Hot n Cold, karena disitu Katy Perry ganti baju sekitar 3 kali dalam 1 lagu sambil nyanyi dan tanpa kita tau caranya. Ngga cuma itu, Katy Perry juga ikut nge dance, gerak ke seluruh panggung, dan di sela-sela penampilan menambahkan obrolan ringan buat penontonnya. She said "JEKARDAAAAH!!!" and the other funny things. Ini dia kemewahan panggung, acara, serta baju-bajunya.



Nah, kalo gambar yang terakhir itu kayanya emang one of the luck boy deh. Naik ke atas panggung, dicium Katy Perry dan nyium Katy Perry ngga cuma sekali tapi 3 kali! Plus dapet foto berdua di hp nya. Jadi ceritanya, cowok itu bisa banget bilang foto di hpnya kabur, dapet double deh nyium Katy nya. Tapi tenang, gue masih normal ko jadi ngga iri-iri amat ndro.

That was one of the amazing night. Cause Katy Perry bring me to the dream world that night. Katy Perry ngebawain lagu Firework, Hot n Cold, I Kissed a Girl, Hummingbird Heartbeat, ET, California Girls, Woking up in Vegas, Last Friday Night, The One That Got Away, Ur So Guy, Peacock, etc. Semuanya lagu favorit gue, tapi sayang banget Thinking of You ngga dibawain, padahal pingin banget denger lagu itu live! Huhuhu tapi ngga apa-apa deh, buat yang belom dengerin, terutama lagu The One That Got Away Accoustic dan Hummingbird Heartbeat, itu lagu favorit gue loh, coba dengerin deh dijamin pasti langsung suka

Untitle Feeling

I don’t know what I’m feeling right now. It’s like hanging with something don’t want you hang with. Like a bird with a broken wings. Like a rain that always fall in the same place. Like a paper without no pen. Or maybe a girl who lost and stuck in her dreams.

Oh wait, I will not let you think that I am writing this with a tear drops from my eyes or with a cut on my hand. Absolutely NO! I am writing this in my bed room, on my  favorite mattress, on my two pillow while I eat a delicious maccaroni and banana, then a laptop on my top (Ssst I haven’t take a bath! LOL). Something that I wanna talking about is what everyone called “L-O-V-E”. But not a love like Romeo and Juliet, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Twilight oh No! This is a love that we can see everyday or maybe what we feel, happy, sad, wishing, hopeless, accepting, declining, broke, crying, and anything like that. A specific thing is maybe like Adele said “You’ll never know if you never try to forgive your past and simply be mine” or “I know it ain’t easy givin up your heart. Nobody’s perfect” even a strong girl like Avril Lavigne can said in her song “Damn, damn, damn, what I do to have you here, here, here” yeah something like that.

If you not know me, I guess you don’t have to. Cause right know I don’t even know who I am. Sometimes I saw my twitter timeline just for tryin to know who I am or what I really want? I said to someone that “I guess you feel the same way with me. Same pain. Same regret. Feel lonely. The differences is only you feel it for another girl and i felt it for you. But it’s okay you will pay for every tears. Cause the important thing is finally you know how it feels like and I don’t feel it any longer”. Well, in the end I am a liar. Yes I am glad you know how it feels like, how it feels like to be in my position. But I am sad to see you waitin for another girl. I am sad that another girl had made you like that and I am not. I am sad for your sad. I do hate the girl, not because you loves her but because she makes you sad. I want to see you happy with her, but deeply in my heart I wish it was me. Am I wrong?

When you text me, I was said a thing that I don’t really want to say. Cause I really don’t know what to say to reply you when you text me, even a little thing. If I meet you,  guess I will do the same too. I will not really know what I am saying or what I wanna do. Cause what I wanna say is “here is” and what I wanna do just already do, be with you. And maybe I want to know how it feels like to kiss you for the first time. To kiss a guy, for the first time. I know I was wrong at the first time, had broke our relationship, but you don’t have any idea how hurt the things you do to me. There are a miss understanding, all you need to know is just it was for you, even I am wrong. If you just ask my friends you will know how bored they are to heard your name from me, even they don’t know you. Feels like I still be with you and know you more than anyone.

What do you think about the girl who was waiting for a guy more than 2 years? Stupid? Absolutely YES! But it’s too stupid who become a guy who said to the girl that she was a drama queen. Helloooooooooooooo! You think I’m an actor ha? Hey you there “Are you that stupid to said that? Do you think I wanna be like this? You stupid!”.

I read an article, there are three types of reverenge. I think I like a constructif reverenge. That is a reverenge who makes you want to become a better person from now with a purpose that your ex do regret for leaving you. I have do that. I was tried to be a better person, I promised that I will be a girl who can make you regret to vain me. So I was studied to got a University that you really want and I want too, and I got that. I want to make you see or hear me, so I was joined a competition and be one of the finalist, so you can see me in the magazine or you can hear me in the radio. I’ve made a song and record it well, so you can listen and know what you mean to me. Just wish you can turn around on me. But none of them which make me feel the real happiness. I am selfish. I am too naive, I know that. I am scared that everyone will lookin someone just from their pretty faces, smart, or maybe rich. But the truth is I am one of them who was thinking like that. I think like that but I don’t mean it. The situation had made me think like that. I’ve stuck for so long. And I always tryin to be a better girl and a better girl but I guess it will never work. Cause I realize that how much good the person is not important if you’re not love him/her. Cause I feel it to another guy. I was stuck in one shadow. You.

Dear friends, I always want to be a person that can be a good friends with a humor taste. But maybe I wasn’t. Mom, Dad and my friends said I am a childish, but that’s who really I am, I can be adult too sometimes. I don’t even know how to response sometimes, I don’t want to look arrogant, but sometimes people was so wrong to definite it as an arrogant. The truth is I loves all of my best friends and hope they do the same thing too.

I heard in the radio there was a girl same like me that wait for three years even a guy that she loves has a girlfriend, and the announcer said “It’s okay, there is no problem with waiting someone for that long. There is no problem with the time. Three years, four years, or even a ten years. But you will lost a direction. And it’s vain. It will make another regret for wasting your time” And I agree with him. So all I try now is open my eyes and my heart, I wish someday I will find someone who can complete me, even it is not you. Hug me when I am happy or sad. Stand by me. Don’t worry tomorrow I will be fine, it is just need more time. It is just a process. I still thinking about you but I already can let it go. 

Our relationship it’s not that long, but the story is too long in my mind. Sometimes when my dad or mom ask me “You are not goin out with your boyfriend?” Should I answer “Mom Dad I was stuck with one guy, but he’s not loving me anymore, so I won’t go out with another guy this time”...... I guess that’s not a good idea. Lol.

I just wonderin if you can tell me what you feel, it’s okay if you’re not loving me anymore. You have someone who will always wanna help you. Me. Cause maybe that was the only reason why I can’t really forget you, cause I never heard from your lips what you really think and what do you think I should do, forget, stay, wait, or just leave. I think if you are already say that, face to face, I can be free again. Kindly please. How can you be happy when you make someone being unhappy because of you. So, I just want to know what you feel after all this time. I drew the happy faces.

God only knows why it is takin me so long. I know everyone have a guidance with a different way to be an adult and maybe this is my way. I just really hope “God please let me find my real happiness”. Regret is pain, regret is too late, regret is always like that. But don’t worry, regret will give you the best lesson. Regret is the best lesson.

So girl I just wanna say if there are someone feels like what I feel, don’t worry it will be fine, let’s the time find our happiness. Cause now I can write this with a smile faces. Drew the happy faces.

To be continue.....